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You are answering to Glowacki who wrote:

Hi. I downloaded Pepe compiler yesterday and I think it's awesome application. I really admire work of  the people who made it avaible on Android OS.
I got problem with using one of the functions. I cannot edit my saved surce files.
I just make new source file, then type something into it. Then I save it.
After tapping (short click) on name of the file nothing happens, and when i touch and hold (long click), then it pops up only one opton, "Delete".y
Somehow my source files doesn't have .pas extension.

Everything else works great.
After compiling (building) my program everything is fine. It makes .exe file and im able to run it. But the problem is when i want to edit my source file.

I got Xperia X10 mini pro with Android 2.1-update1, it's the newset avaible for my phone.

Excuse me if my english is not clear, it's not my native language.
Thank you in advance.

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