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Pépé le compiler - Pépé le compiler

active  Topic # 59  Android app

13/04/2013 @ 14:49
by PalmArcher


Hi Philippe,
Greetings from the dim and distant past.  Don't know if you remember me but I had a Palm when you were first developing PP Pascal.  Found a few bugs.  I recently bought an Android phone and there you were again with your Pascal compiler.  Look pretty much as on the Palm.

Now the easy question.  Any thought on PePe producing a stand alone Android App?
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Answer n° 1
20/04/2013 @ 08:36
by Philippe


Thanks John,For answering your question, hum, no confused Android system is much more complicated than Palm and Pépé does not produce stand alone Android App.
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Answer n° 2
12/07/2013 @ 21:50
by ejolson


I am considering to Pepe compiler and android cell phones (which students already have) as teaching support for an introductory math course in numerical methods.  Testing with a Nexus 4.  I have two difficulties:

The <delete> key on the standard Android software keyboard doesn't work with readln; however, <backspace> on a keyboard like the add-on IDE Terminal does work.

The <enter> key which sends <ctrl+m> on the add-on IDE Terminal doesn't work with readln; however, the <enter> key on the stock Android keyboard which sends <ctrl+j> does work.

A reasonable solution for me would be for readln to recognize both <backspace> and <del> as backspaces; and to recognize both <ctrl+m> and <ctrl+j> as enter.  This way the system would be compable with the widest selection of Android keyboards.
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